Alaska Athabascan Artwork Showed An Understanding Of Esthetics In Everyday Life

Typical Native American Everyday Artwork.
Elaborate beaded baby-carrying strap made by Athabascan artisan in rural Alaska. 

Beaded Athabascan Baby Strap At Museum Of The North

This museum display of a typical Athabascan Alaskan baby strap shows a level of care, design -- and hopefulness. It's a celebration of the birth of a child in the wilderness of Alaska. You can see a similar strap in another section of Finding My Alaska,  showing articles that were made and used by Sophie Lincoln, of Copper Center Village. 

The baby strap Sophie Lincoln made is not on display in a major museum, like this one. But it's just as nice, and shows that common, everyday items throughout Alaska were often finely crafted. They were not just "for show" as "art," but were literally meant to carry a baby through the woods. 

On display at the University Of Alaska Museum Of The North in Fairbanks,